We walked from the boat, along the waterfront. There is a trail up to the visitor center that is quite rustic and nice. Much more interesting than the paved route.
Here are some photos, more later.
Our first destination cruise with Gaysie took place June 6, 2022. We wanted an interesting destination a couple of hours away. The criteria included good walking and historical significance. Also, we needed to test the Sea Keeper 6 system that was recalibrated by Shane. It worked perfectly.
We passed two lighthouses. Then tied up alongside the Yorktown Riverwalk Landing Marina. It was as advertised.
Ian Whitty sent a spread sheet with the spares kit that is standard for the T43.
The plan is to keep Gaysie in Virginia during the Summer months to cruise Chesapeake Bay and north. Then after hurricane season, back to Amelia Island for the Winter season.
We looked at many marinas in the Tidewater Region. Deltaville seemed the easiest area to reach. It is rich with boat services. We also liked the marina on the York River at Glouster Point. The easy of access and the fact we could secure a covered 50′ slip sold us on Regatta Point Yacht Center. Some photos follow:
The slip is D-7, not far from another Talaria 43 Scout. We saw Scout on our trip to Annapolis where she was in for service. We met Scout’s owner, Will, at the marina. He will be a great boat neighbor I am sure.
The hull will be Aqua Mist and the Non-Skid will be Qyster White. This is against the Gelcoat color of Polar White. Somewhere packed away for our move from California to Virginia and Florida, we have a paint chip of this color. I will photograph that for inclusion here when I find it. We think the color combination will be spirited and youthful. (But not my favorite Key West hull color [hahaha]). The colors shown here were photographed by my iPhone 10S Max. I applied a vivid filter that comes close to the actual observed color, but by the time it gets to the blog through different media processing components, the color is terrible.
The Talaria 43 rendering in the upper left corner of this page can be imagined to have the selected color scheme. Maybe Hinckley has a system to add different color schemes to a boat to see the effect. I will ask.
These boats inspired our selections:
This is Telaria 48 “Shenandoah” that we would pass on our Hobie Kayaks going NW from LuckyStars at BCYC. The owner was very informative. This is his 4th Hinckley. He bought this one used and so far has been very happy with it. It had the Cummins Engines. He didn’t suggest any problems with any of his Hinckley boats. He bought this one from Newport, Rhode Island shipping it to NPB by truck. We assumed he was local so we would see him again.